Your off-road vehicle isn’t street legal, so your auto insurance won’t cover it. Although it’s your personal property, your home insurance policy probably doesn’t either. So what should you do?
Protect yourself and your off-road vehicles with an off-road vehicle insurance policy.
Not all off-road vehicles are the same, so you might not realize how many of them can be insured by the same type of coverage.
- ATVs – 3, 4, or 6 wheels
- Golf carts
- Dune buggies
- Dirt bikes
- Snowmobiles
If you’ve got multiple “toys,” you’ll need an insurance policy that can cover you from all angles. The accidents you can get into in a golf cart are different from the ones that happen on a dirt bike. We can help you choose a policy that covers all of your off-road vehicles, no matter what kind you have.