As a proud manufacturer of stouts, lagers, and ales, you, unfortunately, must also prepare your business for unexpected events that can damage property, suspend production, injure customers or employees, and cause serious financial distress. Consider the following scenarios:
A batch is contaminated or spoiled and must be destroyed or removed from the marketplace.
A customer is involved in an alcohol-related car accident after leaving your tasting room or brewpub.
Vital equipment or machinery unexpectedly breaks down, leading to property damage, loss of inventory or product, and extended downtime.
A customer, vendor or delivery person slips, trips, or falls on your property.
Guests on your property damage equipment or other business property.
Unfinished or completed beer leaks or spills from a storage tank.
Weather events, fire, theft, or vandalism damages or destroys your building(s) and its contents.
Beer in storage or in transit is damaged or destroyed.
As you can see, risks for a brewery can come from all different directions. And because each brewery’s needs differ from another, you may need to combine a few different insurance policies and endorsements to properly cover your business.
Whatever it is you should be thinking about it when choosing your brewery insurance coverage. In any business, the things that happen that you didn’t prepare for can bankrupt your business without the proper coverage.